At Home With The Furys Episode Two Review

Episode Two: A Giant Six Foot Nine Baby

We pick up from the first episode with Paris Fury in a better mood with Tyson Fury. Tyson tends to the house as Paris heads out to work. Paris takes her eldest daughter Venezuela with her to a production of Loose Women, a show I never thought I’d mention on this website. Venezuela is home-schooled under the traveller tradition, but Paris takes her out of home-schooling to Loose Women in the hope of inspiring her along the way. Tyson’s retirement status is briefly discussed on Loose Women, with Paris noting how the lack of routine can cause problems for athletes.

Tyson later causes chaos for the family by deciding to take them to a caravan site on the spur of the moment. Paris grows annoyed and leaves early, frustrated at being confined to a caravan barely a mile from their large home. Tyson seems to be acting more like the seventh child than a father, his stubbornness to remain away from home underlines how Tyson is determined to live how he wants.

After a brief argument when celebrating Tutty’s sixth birthday, Tyson’s heading off to the Isle of Man on tour. Since Tyson’s retirement he’s been doing shows called ‘The After Party’, bringing his father John Fury along with a few unnamed compatriots. John has until now been restricted to brief video segments speaking on the important of mental health, and is managed on-screen persona is a farcry from his unhinged moments outside of the documentary.

Tyson, John and his crew are in high spirits throughout the trip. Tyson enjoys the adoration of fans when taking the ferry to the Isle of Man, lapping up a loudspeaker announcement of his arrival and photo requests from fans. He seems to have enjoyed The After Party itself, but the following morning, his mood has turned completely. Tyson never wants to do a show again, and wants to be left alone in Morecambe. John takes it in his stride and jokes they won’t be getting tea and biscuits, aware of his son’s mental demons and flippant attitude. “With Tyson, where there’s a high, there’s an even bigger low”. It is a poignant quote from John Fury, and a gentle reminder of the troubles success and fame has brought Tyson.

Tyson returns from the Isle of Man trip by handing Paris some washing, and immediately going to see his dog Cash. Not a model entrance from Tyson, but he explains in an interview that Paris often gets the blunt end of his mood. The two continue on in silence, Tyson appearing unaware or uncaring of his indiscretion.

The episode ends in happier fashion, with a trip to WWE’s Clash At The Castle. Tyson plays a cameo role in the show, knocking out wrestler Austin Theory from his ringside seat to the applause of the WWE universe. This was Tyson’s second WWE appearance, he competed in Saudi Arabia vs Braun Strowman in October 2019, and clearly remains a fan of wrestling. The episode ends with him lapping up affection from the crowd, a stark difference to the previous episode.

You can read a review of episode one here

At Home With The Furys is now available on Netflix.

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