Martin Bakole sparring video causes EMBARASSMENT for the Heavyweight boxer

Martin Bakole took to social media on 13 March to post some of his sparring exploits. The Heavyweight boxer was left regretting his decision after more footage of the session leaked, showing Bakole in less-than stellar form. Here is the the latest story of Martin Bakole sparring against Joe Joyce.

Martin Bakole first uploaded a short sparring video to X. The 30-second video sees Bakole facing The Juggernaut Joe Joyce and getting the better of the British Heavyweight. The clip ends with Bakole knocking the head guard off from Joe Joyce’s head. You can view the footage below.

Fans immediately took to X to voice their displeasure at the footage. There is a hold-held adage in boxing that sparring stays in the gym, and some found the release of the footage to be distasteful.

One of those fans was Sam Jones, boxing advisor and regular foe of Bakole’s trainer Billy Nelson. Jones attended the sparring session and claimed Bakole had left the ring mid-spar. He elaborated in further tweets he intended to post proof.

That proof arrived the following day. Sam Jones posted further footage of Martin Bakole vs Joe Joyce sparring which told a different tale than Bakole’s initial clip. The 20-second clip shows Martin Bakole on the floor breathing heavily into a bucket, while his challenger Joe Joyce stands in the corner looking unblemished.

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