At Home With The Furys Episode Four Review

Episode 4: Fighting Temptation

The episode begins in Iceland, picking up from Episode 3. Tyson and John Fury, along with Tyson’s manager Spencer and their entourage, are recovering from hangovers in the hotel reception. Tyson’s only had 3 or 4 beers, but he has no alcohol tolerance and rarely drinks these days. Tyson skips his regular training routine the next day, somewhat depressed at his failure to hype his proposed bout against Thor. Paris begins to worry.

Paris is planning a surprise birthday party for Tyson’s 34th birthday, as Tyson originally intended to stay in Iceland for his birthday. Paris along with a party planner quickly arrange an impressive party, included branded Fury balloons. Tyson receives a range of banal generic dad gifts as presents, and seems happy with the occasion.

Tyson announces he’s got a date for his After Party tour in Mallorca, Spain. Tyson’s attention turns to the piano, and he plays a short piece taught to him by heavyweight boxer and training compatriot Joseph Parker. “Beethoven-ish” is the description from Tyson. Amidst a somewhat happily manic episode, Tyson’s runs off a list of prospective purchases, including Blackpool Airport and a private jet, before taking his sons with him to boxing training.

Paris and Venezuela, Tyson’s eldest daughter, head to a nail salon. They discuss Tyson being a strict father and placing limits on where his daughter can go. Back at the Fight Club gym, Tyson’s sons train with their father, although Tyson’s eldest son Prince has little interest in boxing. Tutty, or Tyson Jr, shows the most interest and aptitude in boxing.

Tyson and Paris take to the road. Tyson opts for his Passat for the journey, dubbing himself “king of the chavs”, and saying you wouldn’t see Floyd Mayweather or McGregor in this. Fair point, neither of them have shown any partiality to the Passat. Tyson and Paris arrive to a luxury mansion in Mallorca, with Usyk vs Joshua II being broadcast. They sit with a large group watching outside, with John Fury nestled quietly in the back.

Tyson begins goading Usyk and AJ via the television, and starts talking up his achievements to his entourage. Once the fight begins, Tyson is cheering on AJ, calling for more action. He calls the boxing “shockingly shite”, and states he’ll fight both on the same night. Paris tries to temper Tyson’s fiery attitude, unsuccessfully. She mentions he is retired. Once the fight ends, Tyson says it was a “shit fight”, not worthy of the British Heavyweight title let alone a world title. Tyson then takes to Instagram to criticise the fight.

In the ring, Oleksandr Usyk and his translator and manager Alexander Krassuk call out Tyson Fury as their next opponent. Speaking via an interview at the end, Tyson says it is all talk and smoke. He remains retired.

You can read a review of the previous episode here

At Home With The Furys is now available on Netflix.

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