Ian John-Lewis ends employment tribunal against BBBofC

Former BBBofC referee Ian John-Lewis has ended his legal case against the British Boxing Board of Control after a settlement was agreed before an impending employment tribunal.

Ian John-Lewis took legal action against the BBBofC after they demoted him following a highly dubious scorecard in the Josh Taylor vs Jack Catterall bout back in 2022.

Ian John-Lewis

The British Boxing Board of Control published the following on their website regarding the case:

Ian John-Lewis has withdrawn his claims of race discrimination made against the British Boxing Board of Control Limited (BBBofC) in the Employment Tribunal. The parties have reached an agreed confidential settlement to resolve their differences without any admission of liability.

The BBBofC reaffirms its commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion, and will continue to work to ensure the trust of all those involved in the sport of professional boxing. There is no place for discrimination in this sport on the grounds of any protected characteristic, and the BBBofC strives to ensure that it upholds those values at all times.

Ian John-Lewis is no longer affiliated with the BBBofC. John-Lewis has appeared for the PBA as a referee and scoring judge for Misfits boxing, as well as being affiliated with BIBA, the British and Irish Boxing Association.

You can read about Jeff Hinds legal case against the BBBofC below

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