Ring Announcer Daniel Hennessey Apologies Following Hughes vs Johnson Error

Ring announcer Daniel Hennessey has taken to Facebook to apologise following his significant announcing error after Nina Hughes vs Cherneka Johnson had competed for the WBA World title.

Daniel Hennessey has apologised after he initially announced Nina Hughes as the victor by Majority Decision. Hennessey then ordered the fighters back to the centre of the ring and announced Cherneka Johnson as the winner by Majority Decision.

Hennessey came in for criticism from all over the boxing world for his error, with Nina Hughes left bewildered by the sudden change of decision in the ring.

Writing on Facebook, Hennessey stated:

I own it. It’s all on me. I take full responsibility for the Chernika Johnson V Nina Houghs controversy. Not the Judges, not the sanctioned body. Me. I have apologized to all involved and now I apologize to you. I am sorry for what happened. Again I own it and can only try and do better next time. Not my best day in the office. I guess all the shitty coments on socials I have coming. Again I am crushed and sorry for my shitstorm of a preformance . You all deserved better. Sorry again

You can read more on Nina Hughes’ reaction to her loss here.

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